Bond Number | Bond Type | Bond Amount | Bond Status |
2024-00002505 | Bond | $1,000.00 | Void |
2024-00002506 | Bail Bond | $5,000.00 | Void |
2024-00002507 | Bail Bond | $5,000.00 | Void |
2024-00002508 | Bail Bond | $5,000.00 | Void |
2024-00002509 | Bail Bond | $5,000.00 | Active |
Charges | Court Date | Court | Court Room |
1, 2, 3, 4 | 7/16/2024 10:00 AM | Marysville Municipal Court | Marysville Jail Courtroom |
Number | Charge Description | Counts | Offense Date | Docket Number | Sentence Date | Disposition | Disposition Date | Sentence Length | Crime Class | Arresting Agency | Case Tracking Agency | Bond |
5 | POSSESSION OF STOLEN VEHICLE | 1 | 7/15/2024 11:10 PM | 24-1-00511-31 | Custody Transfer | 8/14/2024 | Felony B | Marysville Police Department | Marysville Police Department | 2024-00002509 | ||
4 | THEFT 3 [SECTOR] | 1 | 7/15/2024 11:00 PM | 4A0280434 | Time Served | 8/14/2024 | 30 days | Gross Misdemeanor | Marysville Police Department | Marysville Police Department | 2024-00002508 | |
3 | REPEALED-DRUG PARAPHERNALIA-POSSESS (MUNICIPAL CODE VIOLATION) | 1 | 7/15/2024 10:55 PM | 3A0365383 | Time Served | 8/13/2024 | 29 days | Misdemeanor | Marysville Police Department | Marysville Police Department | 2024-00002507 | |
2 | THEFT 3 [SECTOR] | 1 | 7/15/2024 10:49 PM | 3A0165002 | Time Served | 8/13/2024 | 29 days | Gross Misdemeanor | Marysville Police Department | Marysville Police Department | 2024-00002506 | |
1 | MAKE FALSE-MISLEADING STATEMENT TO PUBLIC SERVANT | 1 | 7/15/2024 10:44 PM | 4A0540023 | Dismissed | 8/13/2024 | Gross Misdemeanor | Marysville Police Department | Marysville Police Department | 2024-00002505 |
Bond Number | Bond Type | Bond Amount | Bond Status |
2024-00001772 | Bail Bond | $1,000.00 | Finalized |
Charges | Court Date | Court | Court Room |
1 | 5/21/2024 10:00 AM | Marysville Municipal Court |
Number | Charge Description | Counts | Offense Date | Docket Number | Sentence Date | Disposition | Disposition Date | Sentence Length | Crime Class | Arresting Agency | Case Tracking Agency | Bond |
1 | THEFT 3 [SECTOR] | 1 | 5/20/2024 8:06 PM | 4A0280434 | Bail Satisfied | 5/21/2024 | Gross Misdemeanor | Marysville Police Department | Marysville Police Department | 2024-00001772 |